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Freeing “in use” Records via the RSB Client

An item cannot be checked in because the patron record is in use. The RSB client gives the following Warning message:

  1. Search for the patron record number in Patron Check-Out

** Note that the identifier that is reported in the Warning message is an system generated patron record number, and not the patron barcode. 

  1. In order to search by the patron record number, you will need to use the “.” search shortcut at the beginning of your search. You will also need to append the “a” wildcard to the end of the record number. 
  1. Verify that the record is in use and can be accessed in View Only Mode (indicated in the lower right corner of the RSB Client).
  1. Attempt to free the record by clicking on Admin > Free Records In Use
  1. The Free Records In Use window that appears may default to looking for “b” (bibliographic) records. Backspace to replace the “b” with a “p” followed by the rest of the patron record number (including the “a” wildcard at the end):
  1. The system will display information about the record, including details about the login that is currently using the record, if it is legitimately open in another client instance.  In this example, no details are provided, just the confirmation that the record is in use and the option to clear the record.  If you are certain that another staff member is not using this record, click Yes to clear the record:
  1. Close the Free Record in Use window.
  1. The record is no longer in use.
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