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Barcode Not in Database

Barcode Not in Database

An item cannot be checked in in Not My Item Check-in because the barcode is not found in the database. The RSB client gives the following Warning message:

  1. Review the paperwork that came with the item to determine the Patron Barcode.
  2. Select Patron Check-Out and search for the Patron Barcode
  3. On the INN-Reach tab, find the row for the requested item.
  4. Right-click the item that needs a barcode. From the menu, choose Insert Barcode

Note that this option is only available for items that have the status IR Requested or RE-REQUESTED and for which the barcode element is blank.

  1. At the prompt, key or scan the item barcode, and then click OK.
  1. This will put the item into IR Received status and you can proceed with the remaining steps to receive the item.
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