SWIFT-Prospector Borrowing Guide (Sierra Web)
On any web browser, navigate to Sierra Web, https://swift.coalliance.org/sierra/sierraweb, and click the Connect to Sierra Service link. Next, input your Username and Password and click Login.
Receive Requested Items
To receive an item sent from another Prospector library, select the Not My Item Check-In option from the FUNCTION pull-down menu shown on the top right corner of the screen. (This function has the same name as in the Millenium RSB client.)

Enter the item barcode and click the Search button.

Within the confirmation Message window, select to print a holdshelf slip by clicking Yes. If you do not wish to print a holdshelf slip, click No.

At this point, the system knows that this item is at the requesting library, and on the holdshelf waiting to be checked out to the patron. If you had multiple items to receive, you could continue with the next barcode(s).

Check Out Received Items
Next, check out the item to the Staff library card or patron account by selecting Check Out (Circulation Desk) from the FUNCTION menu.

Enter the staff card or patron barcode and click the Search button.

A message will pop up indicating how many items are “ready for pickup” (received but not yet checked out to the staff or patron record). Click OK to dismiss the message.

Key in or scan the item barcode.

You will receive a message indicating that the item status has been updated. Click OK to dismiss the message and proceed.

The item will be checked out and a due date will be assigned. The system will assign a 42 day loan period, which is the initial 21-day loan plus the allowed renewal. Note that the due date assigned by the system will differ from the due date provided to the patron, which should be calculated based on the replication of the transaction in your local ILS system and/or non-automated tracking method.

Return Borrowed Items
When items borrowed through Prospector are returned by your patrons, use the Not My Item Check-In function to return the item to the lending library.

Enter the item barcode and click the Search button.

Within the confirmation Message window, click CHECK-IN.

You will be given the option to print a transit slip. Click Yes if you want to print a transit slip (optional). Click No if you do not want to print a slip.

The item has been checked in. Until the item is checked in back at the lending library, the item continues to appear in the INN-Reach tab of the patron record, with Returned status.

Return Uncirculated Items
To return an item that is no longer wanted by the intended patron (but has not been checked out to the staff or patron card), select INN-Reach – Return Unwanted Item from the FUNCTION menu.

Enter the item barcode and click the Search button.

Tick the box/es to (optionally) choose to print a cancellation notice and/or transit slip. Click OK to continue.

The item has been checked in. Until the item is checked in back at the lending library, the item continues to appear in the INN-Reach tab of the staff card or patron record, with Returned status.