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INN-Reach Reports for Prospector Lending Transactions

On any web browser, navigate to Sierra Web, https://swift.coalliance.org/sierra/sierraweb, and click the Connect to Sierra Service link. Next, input your Username and Password and click Login.

Within Sierra Web, select INN-Reach – Reports from Function drop-down menu on the right. Select the Report you wish to run from the Report-Type drop-down menu, set the parameters, and click Prepare to generate and view the report. Available reports, their uses, and parameters are discussed below. 

Sierra Web INN-Reach Reports page with Report Type drop down menu expanded.

Institutional Overdues Report

The Institutional Overdues Report lists overdue items checked out from your library that have been overdue by the number of days that you specify in the report parameters. 

Minimum DaysThe number of days after which an item is considered overdue for the purposes of this report.
Maximum DaysThe maximum number of days for which an item is considered overdue for the purposes of this report.
Sort ByThe column by which you want to sort the report
LocationThe branch location for which you want to view overdues. Choose All to view overdue items for all locations associated with your login.

Paged Too Long Report

The Paged Too Long Report lists items that have been in Paged (i.e. requested from you, by the borrower) status for longer than the number of days that you specify in the report parameters.  

Minimum DaysThe number of days that an item has had the status of PAGED for the purposes of this report..
Sort ByThe column by which you want to sort the report
LocationThe branch location for which you want to view paged items. Choose All to view overdue items for all locations associated with your login.
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