SWIFT Reports for AspenCat/Koha
Prospector/SWIFT Reports can be found in Saved reports, on the PROSPECTOR/SWIFT tab

SWIFT Borrowing – Returned Too Long (4587)
The Returned Too Long report lists all Prospector items borrowed by your patrons that were marked as returned to the owning library at least 21 days before the current date, but have not yet been checked in.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)
SWIFT Borrowing – Requested Too Long (4586)
The Requested Too Long report lists all of the items requested by your patrons via Prospector that have gone unfilled by any lender for at least 7 days.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)
SWIFT Borrowing – In-Transit Too Long (4584)
The In-Transit Too Long report lists all of the items that the system thinks have been in transit to your library from another library, to fill a Prospector request for one of your patrons, for at least 14 days.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)
SWIFT Borrowing – Received Too Long (4588)
The Received Too Long report lists all of the items that have been received at your library for at least 7 days, but have not yet been checked out to the requesting patron.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)
SWIFT Lending Reports
SWIFT Lending – Institutional Overdue (4593)
The Institutional Overdues Report lists items that were received by the borrowing library at least 56 days prior to the date that the report is run.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)
SWIFT Lending – Paged Too Long (4590)
The Paged Too Long Report lists items that have been requested from you, by the borrower for longer than 7 days.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)
SWIFT Lending – Reconciliation Report (4594)
The Reconciliation Reports lists items that were received by the borrowing library at least 285 days prior to the date that the report is run.
- Branch Code (defaults to branch associated with Koha staff login)