In addition to the Prosepector / SWIFT shared INN-Reach platform for resource sharing throughout the state, there are other collaborative partnerships and services in place to help libraries extend their reach even wider, and provide greater resources to their patrons.

SWIFT+: (formerly known as NoStop) The Colorado State Library is partnering with Denver Public Library (DPL) to facilitate SWIFT+ requests for out of state material. Currently, there is no fee associated with placing SWIFT+ requests. To submit a request, send an ALA ILL form via email to DPL will reply with information the borrowing library can use to contact the lending library directly. Note that DPL will not request from any library that charges a fee, and the requesting library will be responsible for any overdue/lost fees. For more information, check out our knowledgebase article.

Colorado Libraries Collaborate: Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC) has been Colorado’s reciprocal borrowing program since 1991. (You may know it by its older name, Colorado Library Card.) The CLC program is a perfect example of the commitment that Colorado libraries have to resource sharing, allowing patrons of member libraries to borrow directly from other member libraries. Most libraries already participate in the program and have their own established lending guidelines. Learn more about the CLC program on the website.

Book Club Resource: The Colorado Book Club Resource is a project of the Colorado State Library (CSL). CSL helps libraries, schools, museums, and other organizations improve services, making it easier for all Coloradans to access and use the materials and information they need for lifelong learning. The mission of the Colorado Book Club Resource (BCR) is to provide multiple copies of book titles and peripheral materials to Colorado’s residents, library users, and students in order to facilitate book club events. Currently, the collection offers more than 1200 sets of titles to choose from, all with eight copies or more, covering classic and modern fiction, non fiction, works by local authors, BIPOC and foreign authors, and some Spanish language as well. Thanks to donations from the library community, new titles are being added all the time. Browse our collection through the online catalog. Most titles also have discussion guide questions available to help get the conversation started.

Resource Kits: The Colorado State Library Resource Kits are bundled tools and materials that enable you to provide new and exciting programming that engages with your community in new and interesting ways. Whether you are looking for activities for babies and toddlers to promote literacy at an early age, or want to help your young patrons learn more about archaeology and fossils, the STEAM and early literacy kits will provide a doorway to learning and experiences that are new and fun, as well as educational. We also have kits of tools and equipment for digitizing analog materials (like photos, audio recordings, video recordings, and more) for inclusion in online collections and exhibits. Recent kits include curiosity cabinets, school readiness, art appreciation, adult literacy, difficult conversation kits, and more. Check out what is available and contact Kit-support@coloradovirtuallibrary with any questions.